Misfit Moon Productions

The Wardrobe: Costuming

With over 40 years experience in theatre, and since costuming has always been a part of our lives, it seemed a natural shift from technical work to a closer involvement with the cast in the role of Wardrobe and Costuming. MMP has costumed one comedy video, a photo shoot, two plays, and one music video, so far. We’re looking forward to other costuming gigs coming up.

Date: Summer, 2018
"Sordid Lives" a Mountain Community Theatre (MCT) production.

Date: Spring, 2018
Music Video: "In Each Other's Arms" - Amy Obenski

Date: Spring, 2017
"Vanya, Sonia, Masha, & Spike" a Mountain Community Theatre (MCT) production.

Date: 2010
Comedy parody video, inspired by our favorite 70's crime dramas: CSI Fly.